Perry's Cheese Blog

What to Look for When Choosing a Cheese Supplier

Perry Wakeman

What to Look for When Choosing a Cheese Supplier

Reading Time: 4 Minutes Choosing the right cheese supplier is crucial for ensuring your menu stands out and meets the diverse tastes of your patrons. A quality cheese supplier doesn't just provide cheese; they offer an experience journeying into an eye-opening world of flavours, textures, and traditions. When selecting a cheese supplier, consider the following key aspects to ensure you get the best for your business. Variety In Cheese Types Menus thrive on variety, and having a cheese supplier that can delight your eaters, no matter their preference, is a huge plus. A great supplier will be able to offer...

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Selecting the Best Wholesale Cheeses for Your Business

Perry Wakeman

Selecting the Best Wholesale Cheeses for Your Business

Now is an opportune time to look into supplying your business with British artisan cheese. Recently, the British artisan cheese industry overtook the French industry and is now worth $3 billion a year according to Whynow. From the “cheddarification” of British cheese in the 19th and 20th centuries which watered down our national variety, there are now over 1,000 varieties of cheese made in Britain. While this makes for a wealth of dairy delights, it does make the task of selecting the best wholesale artisan cheese a tall order. Fret not! This article is an explainer that will illuminate your...

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Behind the Barn Doors: Visiting Our Partner Farms

Perry Wakeman

Behind the Barn Doors: Visiting Our Partner Farms

As part of my job as the director of Rennet and Rind, I get to travel up and down the country to rural havens and pristine pastures where the cheese we offer is made. I get to see the farms up close and meet the wonderful people behind some of the best artisan cheeses in Britain, and I’m continually in awe of the ingenuity needed to not only create some of these spectacular taste phenomenons but to sustain themselves through harsh economic times and putting up a fight against the mass producers that stock supermarket shelves. Which is why I...

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Cheese Tasting Techniques

Perry Wakeman

Cheese Tasting Techniques

Step into a gourmet adventure in flavour and fun and learn the right technique to be able to understand the complexity of artisan cheese.

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The Cheesemaker's Alphabet

Perry Wakeman

The Cheesemaker's Alphabet

Welcome to "The Cheesemaker's Alphabet", where every letter tells a story seasoned with culture, and every entry gives you a slice into the world of artisan cheesemaking. From the artful ageing of affinage to the zestful zing of zinc, this alphabet journey is sure to curdle your notion of ordinary cheese. So, pull up a chair, and let's start at 'A,' where the air is rich with the aroma of artisan craftsmanship. Affinage We start at a very apt beginning. Affinage is the practice of ageing cheese under specific conditions to develop flavour and texture. Affinage is an art, often...

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